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Monday, June 28, 2010

The Bad Flack That Fat Gets

It's unfair, but the government seems out to paste a bad rap on fat and everything about it. As a result, most people think carbohydrates -- and eating 6-11 servings of it everyday -- is safe, when in fact it's quite the opposite. Let's discuss the benefits that certain fats can actually give to your health.

First of all, there's the fatty acid that everyone SHOULD love -- Omega-3. If you do a study on the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, you'll be hard-pressed to find health conditions that it CAN'T improve. There's simply so many health benefits to list that it'll be foolish and shortsighted to write off Omega-3 completely from your diet.

A recent study was conducted by the BBC on a number of school-age students who were given Omega-3 supplementation over a period of three months. It found that the kids' learning ages increased between 1-3 YEARS -- solidifying the fact that Omega-3 isn't only heart-healthy, but can also prevent dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and other neuro-degenerative diseases.

The best food sources of Omega-3 fatty acids is, of course, fish. Omega-3-rich fish include salmon, tuna, and sardines. But these fish have to be caught in the wild -- fish bred in ponds and farms are often laced with poisonous pesticides, and may actually pose a threat to your health!

Same goes for beef -- it's a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, but only if the cows were raised on sunlit green pastures, eating fresh grass and clover. But when cows are raised in cramped barns and fed processed grains instead, the beef actually gets a bit too toxic to be healthy.

While you're looking for more natural sources of fish and meat, it's best to try fish-oil capsules instead. These Omega-3 capsules are formulated to also include Omega-9 fatty acids, which improve the body's absorption of Omega-3.

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