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Monday, June 28, 2010

SEO Packages - Image optimization tips

When talking about SEO, image optimization is an important part of On-Page SEO. As you probably know, that can bring some points and improve your positions.

Many website owners name their images like "dsc3244.jpg" and similar. Off course, optimized images will not give you much, because it is only one of many rankings factors, but if you want your website to be perfectly optimized, you need to think about every single factor.

There are 4 image elements that have influence:

1. Image name
2. Alt attribute
3. Title attribute
4. Caption text

Image name:

Image name is the most important factor and your image should be SEO friendly, but also should describe what really is on that picture. As separator you should use "-".

Example: "seo-packages.jpg"

Image alt attribute:

Image alt attribute is important for SEO purposes but do not overoptimize that. Don't put many small images and stuff keywords in it, ‘couse you could be punished. Just try to make it to look natural and normal.

A previous example was an image named "seo-packages.jpg". A good alt attribute for that image can be "Affordable SEO Packages" or "Professional SEO Packages".

Use of "alt" is to explain what is on that image. Another thing is that if someone's browser or mobile phone does not support images, they will show your alt attribute.

Image title:

Title attribute should have a descriptive text explaining what is on that image. For a given example, it should look like: "Professional On-Page and Off-Page SEO Packages". Image title is also shown on mouse over.

Caption text around the image:

It will bring some SEO benefits if you put captions near your images. Text related to the image will show search engines that that image really fits where it is placed.

No need to mention that you should resize your images through PS or something and not via html.

1 komentar:

MakeRank said...

Thanks for the list. I think image Optimization is nothing but optimizing the images on web pages for both viewers and crawlers.

SEO Company India