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Monday, June 28, 2010

Take Good Care of Your Trendy Sunglasses

The gorgeous sunglasses enable you to walk and work in the sunshine at liberty and at comfort, and meanwhile, present you another look, cooler or more enchanting. However, the fact is that sunglasses would block harmful light, like sunshine, they are not capable to block dust and dirts. Therefore you have to learn to take good care of your trendy sunglasses, or they would not appear so attractive always, and when you are wearing them, they could not complement your face, but instead disfigure you.

Actually, ways to maintain sunglasses is rather simple as long as you get into a good habit. By just following the below tips, you are believed to succeed. A. Never carve the stain adhered on the lenses by nails, for they are quite inclined to get scratched if done in that way. Then they not only would not appear aesthetic, but also if heavy scratched, they would affect the vision effect. B. Try not to put up sunglasses on the head, either on the collar. People usually do like this in a handy way. However, they have never considered there are possibilities that their trendy sunglasses may fall over from the head and collar, especially when they engage in sweeping movements, as a result, the trendy sunglasses would get damaged. Therefore, the suggestion is to put them in the bag after putting into a hard eyeglass case, in case of scratches from hard objects in bags, such as key, combs and coins, etc.. C. Do put sunglasses on the instruction pad or on the seat. This is a habit for most drivers, which would contribute to the deformation of the sunglasses, especially the plastic sunglasses, because there is heat from both the sun outside and motor inside. D. No matter where do you put your sunglasses, remember put them with lenses facing up. E. Necessary washing is needed. You could firstly wet them by some water and then smear some cleaner or physiological saline solution on the lenses. Rub them by finger pulps for about 30 seconds, then you could observe dirts and deposits disengaging from the lenses. After that, take them to the running water and wash them, and lastly, dry them with drinking paper.

To take good care of your trendy glasses, you should learn from the five tips, so that they would keep brilliant and shining all the time.

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